Serving the community since 1922

Articles written by Jose & Beverly Perello

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 14 of 14

  • Pastor's Corner: Focus in an overwhelming world

    Pastors Jose and Beverly Perello, Home Fellowship Church, Shafter|Updated Aug 26, 2024

    Shaken by loss, frightened by illness, worried about family and finances, and pulled by a million demands on our time, it is easy to feel overwhelmed. Add on social media’s tsunami of information about others’ real-life dramas, alerts to potential future dangers and millions of invented “crises,” and facing life can feel impossible. As pastors, we frequently counsel people to stay off social media (and turn off the news) to avoid added stress. Our own lives already have en...

  • Pastors' Corner: New Year's plans

    Pasotors Jose and Beverly Perello, Home Fellowship Church, Shafter|Updated Jan 1, 2024

    In the busyness and stress of daily life, we often fall into a rut, just battling to get through each day as it comes. We survive, but do we thrive? From time to time, we lift up our heads for a moment and wonder if things will ever improve, before the next task drags us back into our mindless routine. We dream about a life that is joyous and purpose-driven, but our reality remains the same. As 2023 comes to a close, let’s take a moment to not only dream of a better 2024, but to plan and prepare in practical ways. God is a pl...

  • Pastor's Corner: Lessons in gratitude from lepers

    Pastors Jose and Beverly Perello, Home Fellowship Church, Shafter|Updated Nov 25, 2023

    These days, we know little about leprosy, the disease that is both referenced more times than any other in the Bible and was the illness most frequently healed by Jesus. In Bible times, it was a terrifying diagnosis because it not only meant an incurable sickness, apart from a divine touch, but also a life sentence to solitude. Sufferers had to live away from the rest of society and could never again live in their own homes or experience the touch of a loved one. So, it may...

  • Pastor's Corner: Valuing your birthright!

    Pastors Jose and Beverly Perello, Home Fellowship Church, Shafter|Updated Oct 21, 2023

    In Genesis 25, it tells the story of Esau and Jacob, brothers as different as night and day, who had fought with one another even in their mother’s womb. Though they were twins, Esau was the firstborn and had the right to certain privileges. The firstborn was entitled to a double inheritance and would someday take his father’s place as the head of the family business. What is more, he also would be expected to take on the spiritual leadership of his clan. But Esau never got to...

  • Pastor's Corner: Preparing our kids for school – and life

    Pastors Jose and Beverly Perello, Home Fellowship Church, Shafter|Updated Aug 14, 2023

    For the last month, parents have been bombarded with ads with back-to-school must-haves. Each one encourages us to start their school year off right by purchasing everything from clothes and school supplies to electronics. But getting kids off to a good start in life, as well as in school, is something that cannot be purchased and which needs to be addressed long before that panicked, last-minute trip to the store. Many have the idea that our schools are totally responsible...

  • Pastor's Corner: The perfect father

    Pastors Jose and Beverly Perello, Home Fellowship Church, Shafter|Updated Jun 17, 2023

    Father’s Day, like many holidays, gives rise to a lot of mixed emotions. For many, the lack of a loving and involved father or father figure brings a deep sense of loss and insecurity. I stand on the precipice of being fatherless – my precious dad just received a terminal diagnosis, yet I count myself blessed because of his love, support and wise advice over many years. My heart breaks, not for my coming loss, but for the orphaned generations, who hunger for the security of...

  • Pastor's Corner: Enjoying the best gift: God with us

    Jose and Beverly Perello, Home Fellowship Church|Updated Dec 26, 2022

    For many, Christmas is all about the gifts, and that's not altogether a bad thing. The truth is that there is a spirit of love, generosity and sharing, the very spirit that triggered the first coming of Jesus Christ. We are about to celebrate the incarnation of Christ, the gift of God's presence among men, the best gift he could give us. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, so that everyone who believes in him should not perish but ha...

  • Pastor's Corner: True gratitude is more than words

    Pastors Jose and Beverly Perello, Home Fellowship Church, Shafter|Updated Nov 14, 2022

    As a young pastor in a small tribal village in Guatemala, I was always amazed at both the deep faith and the profound generosity of the Kaqchikel people I served. For what seemed to me even the smallest favor, they responded by filling my pantry with baskets filled with handpicked fruits and vegetables or fresh eggs. One dear brother insisted on gifting me with his prize pig, possibly his most valuable possession. In this month, when we are most likely to focus on being gratef...

  • Pastor's Corner: The abundant life: Feasting at the King's table

    Pastors Jose and Beverly Perello, Home Fellowship Church, Shafter|Updated Aug 22, 2022

    Jesus said, "I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." (John 10:10b) Yet many Christians have lives that are anything but blessed, flourishing and abundant. They live below the level of blessing Jesus promised. They live with lack, sometimes financial lack, but more often a spiritual and emotional lack of love, joy and hope. There is a story in Samuel 9 of a young prince, who in spite of his royal blood, lived with lack. He was the...

  • Pastor's Corner: Hosanna! 'Save us now'

    Pastors Jose and Beverly Perello, Home Feloowship Church, Shafter|Updated Apr 17, 2022

    When the people heard He was coming, they lined the streets hoping to see Him. They sacrificed their best coats and stripped nearby trees to create a makeshift red carpet to honor him. They shouted "Hosanna" over and over when He came into sight. (See Mark 11:1-10) The strange thing is that many from this same crowd were shouting again a few days later, but this time, they were calling for His execution. "Crucify Him! Crucify Him!" (See Mark 15:6-15) Have you ever wondered...

  • Pastor's Corner: Finding real solutions: Prayer works

    Pastors Jose and Beverly Perello, Home Fellowship Church, Shafter|Updated Apr 3, 2022

    Who was the first person you called when your doctor gave you the bad news? Or maybe when the phone rang in the middle of the night and a stranger asked if they were speaking to the parents of...? Where did you go for help when the bills were beyond overdue and there was nothing coming in to pay any of them. For many, a memory of a loyal family member or a faithful friend coming to your rescue or at least available to listen and offer comfort in your moment of crisis comes...

  • Pastor's Corner: Whatever you do, don't look down

    Pastors Jose and Beverly Perello, Home Fellowship Church, Shafter|Updated Mar 20, 2022

    You know that moment in the movies... someone who's terrified of heights must climb out on a ledge or jump between two high buildings. And they look down and the fear that overwhelms them almost makes them lose their grip and fall. We live in uncertain, scary times and the last thing we need to do is look down. If you look down... at your problems and your worries for too long, you'll soon be depressed and afraid to go on. If you look down... at your cell phone or tablet and...

  • Pastor's Corner: Whatever you do, don't look down

    Pastors Jose and Beverly Perello, Home Fellowship Church, Shafter|Updated Mar 13, 2022

    You know that moment in the movies... someone who's terrified of heights must climb out on a ledge or jump between two high buildings. And they look down and the fear that overwhelms them almost makes them lose their grip and fall. We live in uncertain, scary times and the last thing we need to do is look down. If you look down... at your problems and your worries for too long, you'll soon be depressed and afraid to go on. If you look down... at your cell phone or tablet and...

  • Pastor's Corner: Hope for the long haul

    Pastors Jose and Beverly Perello, Home Fellowship Church, Shafter|Updated Feb 13, 2022

    If you are a pastor in the Shafter/Wasco area and would like to contribute to our weekly column, email [email protected] or call 661-292-5100. to get added to our list of pastors.It’s now been almost two years since the threat of contagion and illness changed almost every aspect of our lives. It trapped us for weeks on end in our homes, eliminated the simplest gestures of love, friendship and solidarity — from smiles to handshakes and hugs to high-fives, and lef...