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Articles written by pastor jim glasco

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  • Pastor's Corner: Have faith in God

    Pastor Jim Glasco, Seventh Standard Pentecostal Church of God.|Updated Aug 9, 2020

    Most everyone will agree that these are turbulent and uncertain times that we live in. 2nd Timothy 3:1 calls it perilous times, or hard, difficult, grievous, and fierce times. Many people are fearful and uncertain at this time. We wonder who we should listen to for guidance in this time of adversity. Jesus Christ gave us the answer when he said have faith in God. Hold on to God! Psalm 56:3 says what time I am afraid, I will trust in Thee. Biblical faith is when we place our...

  • Pastor's Corner: The Prince of Peace is in control

    Pastor Jim Glasco, 7th Standard Pentecostal Church of God, Shafter|Updated Jun 21, 2020

    How true the Bible is when it said in the last days perilous times shall come.This is a time of uncertainty in many lives. People are battling stress and pressure as they try to support their families and businesses. The news is filled with fear and worry and sometimes misinformation. I heard one athlete say "I'm afraid to even wake upon the morning." Even though these are challenging times, there is hope. And that hope is to trust the Lord Jesus. He is the hope of glory, and...