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Articles written by toni derosa

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  • Making masks as a way to help

    Toni DeRosa, Wasco Tribune|Updated Feb 6, 2022

    Jane Rodriguez [a pseudonym) has been making protective face masks and giving them away to anyone who contacts her. Rodriguez is a 20-year-old Shafter High graduate, born in Bakersfield but raised in Wasco. Halfway through her studies at Bakersfield College, she realized her heart was in cosmetology; however, due to COVID-19, she is currently unemployed but plans on attending cosmetology school to become a hairstylist (@hairbyjessicanv) as soon as she is able. "A little over...

  • EDITOR'S NOTE | Toni DeRosa: It's not a matter of 'control'

    Toni DeRosa, Wasco Tribune|Updated Jan 6, 2022

    This is not about who is “afraid” or “not afraid” -- this is about what kind of human being you are. -- First of all, I wear a mask in public, not for me, but for [begin ital]you[END ITAL]. --I want you to know that I am educated enough to know that I could be asymptomatic and still give you the virus. --No, I don’t live in fear” of the virus; I just want to be a part of the solution, not the problem. --I don’t feel like the “government is controlling me.” I feel like I’m bei...

  • Focus on Local Business: La Canasta is open and well-stocked

    Toni DeRosa, Wasco Tribune|Updated Jun 6, 2020

    La Canasta Market, at 1017 7th Street, has been around for 33 years and continues to serve the community during the coronavirus restrictions. Maria Paz has owned the market since 1987. Two of her sons and her granddaughter, Byanka Valenzuela, work in the store with her. When many larger stores ran out of items that were highly sought because of the pandemic, "people came in here" to buy them, Valenzuela said. Maria Paz spoke through interpreter Orquidea Ocampo, who had her...

  • Restaurants beef up safety, sanitation

    Toni DeRosa, Wasco Tribune|Updated Jun 4, 2020

    There is one aspect of the Covid-19 pandemic that will benefit everyone dining out. All restaurants must adhere to strict sanitization standards by disinfecting all seating and tables after each customer leaves the restaurant. That means no more cups and saucers or plates with leftover food left on the tables. Covid-19 has brought changes that will allow diners to feel more comfortable about their dining out. Another big change is the wearing of masks. All staff working in...

  • The classes of coronavirus

    Toni DeRosa, Wasco Tribune|Updated Jun 4, 2020

    The city is experiencing mechanical issues of two of its five water wells, Mayor Tilo Cortez told residents on Friday. The city alerted the public by a message from Cortez via Facebook and a press release alerting the residents of the problem. "The mechanical issues will require immediate repairs, which will begin as soon as possible and may last for several weeks," City Manager Daniel Ortiz-Hernandez said. "During this period, residents and businesses may experience...

  • Local eateries reopen – kind of

    Jamie Stewart and Toni DeRosa, The Shafter Press and Wasco Tribune|Updated May 30, 2020

    JAMIE STEWART and TONI DeROSA The Shafter Press | Wasco Tribune Local restaurants are coming alive in varying degrees, with some opening fully and still others taking smaller steps. In Shafter, the entrance into Phase 2 has meant different things to different people when it comes to the restaurants in town. A few of the restaurants have opened back up, with limitations according to the guidelines set up by Gov. Gavin Newsom and the Kern County Public Health Department. On one...

  • Dates set for graduations

    Toni DeRosa, Wasco Tribune|Updated May 30, 2020

    With the onset of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, the future has been uncertain; however, because of the governor allowing several counties to open up under Phase 3 guidelines, Principal Kevin Tallon of Wasco High School announced that two graduation ceremonies will take place in the Wasco Union High School District: [BOX] On Wednesday, June 17, at 8 p.m., Wasco Independent High School will hold its graduation ceremony on the WHS football field. [BOX] On Thursday, June 18,...

  • Creating the next new world

    Toni DeRosa and Jamie Stewart, Wasco Tribune & The Shafter Press|Updated May 23, 2020

    As of Tuesday, Wasco has had 36 cases of COVID-19, with 26 recoveries. In Shafter, there have been 34 confirmed cases with 30 of those reported as recovered. No one here has died of the virus, according to the county Department of Public Health’s website dashboard. There were 632 confirmed cases in the county, with 234 recovered and 22 are hospitalized in the county. On the Kern County Public Health dashboard, Wasco (ZIP code 93280) has had 36 test positive for the virus and 26 have recovered with no deaths reported in the c...

  • WHS hopes for a live graduation

    Toni DeRosa, Wasco Tribune|Updated May 22, 2020

    Wasco High School Principal Kevin Tallon sent a letter to all senior parents last week outlining options for the 2020 graduation ceremony: “The governor of California may allow the reopening of Phase III of the high school stadium to hold a traditional ceremony,” Tallon said. “This would be the district’s preference.” If the district reopened to Phase III, Tallon said the district will have some type of “in-person graduation” in late May or June. “Further details will be...

  • WHS seniors adopted

    Toni DeRosa, Wasco Tribune|Updated May 22, 2020

    Due to the virus pandemic and the governor's order of a state lockdown, Wasco High School graduate Ruth Loza Ramos came up with the idea to Adopt a Senior. "I did this because it's the last year of high school for graduating seniors," Ramos said. "They are missing important milestone events during their senior year such as in-person classroom experiences, senior prom, sporting events, field trips, visits to college campuses and other social events that occur at the school and...

  • Future of Wasco schools' 2021-2022 year uncertain

    Toni DeRosa, Wasco Tribune|Updated May 18, 2020

    The Wasco Union Elementary School District discussed what the 2021-2022 school year could look like. Superintendent Kelly Richer’s report discussed the problems with the incoming school year. “With reference to the COVID-19, nothing has changed since the Governor shut down the schools,” Richers said. “That makes opening the schools problematic using the current state-mandated guidelines. There is not room in a 960 square foot classroom for more than 12 students at one time....

  • Schools deal with virus

    Toni DeRosa, Wasco Tribune|Updated May 14, 2020

    Eight-graders in the city's two middle schools will graduate virtually due to the coronavirus restrictions, The online ceremony is still being planned, but it is expected to take place on Wednesday, May 27, Palm Avenue Principal Oscar Luna said this week. Thomas Jefferson School is also planning for a virtual ceremony. Meanwhile, graduating students and their parents got a chance to a have a live experience when they came to Palm Avenue on Monday to pick up their black caps...

  • Focus on Local Business: Scruffy to Fluffy puts pet service on the road

    Toni DeRosa, Wasco Tribune|Updated May 9, 2020

    Scruffy to Fluffy Pet Spa has been open for seven years, and their mobile grooming bus has been operating about two years. A recent story about Leticia Rivera shared about the many face masks she recently sewed for local hospitals and doctor's offices. Her husband, Chris Rivera, is a former Wasco High graduate and tries to make sure his hometown is part of whatever business his family is involved in. Leticia Rivera is not only the owner, but she is also the manager and...

  • Wasco Council deals with HSR conflict

    Toni DeRosa, Wasco Tribune|Updated May 7, 2020

    The city is moving forward on its grievances on compensation for the High Speed Rail project here. At Tuesday night’s City Council meeting, City Manager Daniel Ortiz-Hernandez presented a letter that was sent to the California High Speed Rail Authority from the City of Wasco. It addresses the city’s concerns and impacts the HSR has had on the city. Ortiz-Hernandez said that the city has incurred security and maintenance costs and the cost of purchasing the building at the cor...

  • Walmart big on giving back

    Toni DeRosa, Wasco Tribune|Updated May 7, 2020

    Walmart employees volunteer time to assist businesses, schools and nonprofit organizations at four different causes determined by each Walmart. People Lead Veronica Bristow often gets to hand-deliver checks to nonprofit groups. As head of human resources for the store, Bristow is a familiar face whenever Walmart gives back to local groups, businesses and schools. For example, the store's last public donations went to Hoyett's Sandwich Shop, the VFW and Teresa Burke Elementary...

  • Rose Queen Pageant looks for sponsors

    Toni DeRosa, Wasco Tribune|Updated May 7, 2020

    Wasco High School Activities Assistant Hailey Coyle has been busy at work on the 2020-2021 Rose Queen pageant. "The sign-up process for Rose Queen was done prior to quarantine," Coyle wrote. "Luckily, we were able to have our orientation meeting in person at the beginning of March." "Since then, we have met with the contestants on Zoom and Google Hangouts," Coyle said. "We have met with the girls individually to approve their talents, and we have met with the girls as a...

  • Sign for the times

    Toni DeRosa, Wasco Tribune|Updated May 7, 2020

    A new electronic display has been installed on the lawn in front of Wasco Independence High School. This allows the school to update the community on what is going on at the school, school officials say....

  • A commitment to service

    Toni DeRosa, Wasco Tribune|Updated Apr 30, 2020

    Sergeant 1st Class James Madrano doesn't seek out the spotlight and hesitates to push himself on anyone or anything; however, he is currently the commander of the Wasco-Shafter Veterans of Foreign War chapter, which puts him front and center when there are causes to work for. In fact, this past weekend, breakfast burritos were made at the VFW Hall and given out to the homeless by volunteers. Madrano leads the monthly meetings the first Thursday of every month at the VFW Hall...

  • Working around the coronavirus

    Toni DeRosa, Wasco Tribune|Updated Apr 30, 2020

    Several food-service businesses in Wasco are feeling the effect of the almost two months' long quarantine. Restaurants such as Catrina's Mexican Grill and Cantina on F Street reopened Saturday for take-out only. Owner Marcela Bujorquez-Marquez said that the quarantine has hurt business. "We hope re-opening for takeout will help us," she said. "We appreciate our customers continuing to order from us." Customers are asked to call ahead (661-758-3435) and place their order. When...

  • Another attack by dogs at Wasco High ag farm

    Toni DeRosa, Wasco Tribune|Updated Apr 30, 2020

    Staff at the Wasco High School ag farm woke up to another vicious dog attack on Sunday. On Wednesday, the school district took another step forward in dealing with the situation by starting the bidding process on fencing for the farm. According to a source who wishes to remain anonymous, the ag teacher and the farm manager have done all they can do to protect the animals. "Eight dead babies and two of three does [breeding goats] may have to be put down," said the source, who...

  • Superstore keeps things moving

    Toni DeRosa, Wasco Tribune|Updated Apr 21, 2020

    With the onset of the coronavirus quarantine, stores are completely running out of items that used to be available in large quantities. Wasco Superstore is one of the businesses that has been able to stay open during the lockdown of nonessential businesses. They are essential because the store usually has a large quantity of much-needed items to sell during a regular year. But this is not any regular year. The virus has affected this small business like so many others. Upon...

  • 'Doom and gloom' for WUESD

    Toni DeRosa, Wasco Tribune|Updated Apr 21, 2020

    WUESD Superintendent Kelly Richers is looking at the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic and the empty classrooms its created – and what he sees is not good. "It's doom and gloom for the next couple of years." Since schools are paid for each student's daily attendance, and schools are now closed for at least two months, a lot of income has been lost. "We are sure funding will be cut significantly, but the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) will probably stay s...

  • Area blood drive Friday

    Toni DeRosa, Wasco Tribune|Updated Apr 18, 2020

    The Knights of Columbus will be holding a blood donation drive in Wasco on Friday, April 17, in partnership with the Houchin Community Blood Bank. The goal is to help alleviate shortages that have been suffered due to the coronavirus. During this pandemic, pressure has been put on the local and national blood supply. Donors are especially needed during this time, so Houchin Blood Bank is encouraging healthy donors to please come forward to participate. They will be limiting...

  • Reserve to start late

    Toni DeRosa, Wasco Tribune|Updated Apr 14, 2020

    Not only has the coronavirus interrupted the school year, it has also led to the cancellation of athletic events that were to take place in the summer, such as swimming, baseball and even football practice. Wasco Union Independent School District Superintendent Kelly Richers said he wasn't even sure if school would start on time in August. Pecos League Director Andrew Dunn reported that due to the COVID-19 quarantine, Reserve players would not be starting practice until June...

  • WWII veteran, 98, came back home

    Toni DeRosa, Wasco Tribune|Updated Apr 10, 2020

    After seeing the world, a Wasco soldier chose to return to Wasco. Born in October of 1921, Jess Lopez grew up in Wyoming. He was only educated until the third grade because his father needed his help working in the fields in order to provide for the family. "At 19 years old, I joined the United States Army," he said. "That's when I became an American citizen." Lopez said his fondest memory of that time was looking at the Golden Gate Bridge as they sailed to Japan. "It took us...

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