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In recent months, Kern County has taken measures to reopen the economy and support small businesses with CARES Act stimulus funds. In May, the Kern County Public Health Department rescinded the local emergency health order to coincide with California’s transition to reopening the economy. That same month, Governor Newsom modified the states’ stay at home order to allow county variance in economic reopening. This step allowed counties to reopen at their own pace provided they abide by public health guidelines prescribed by the California Dep...
Have you ever considered the power of words? Of course, you have if only subconsciously. Our lives are shaped, molded, directed and designed by words, phrases and directives, aren’t they? Sometimes those words are uttered in love, harmony and peace, yet at other times in anger, discord and frustration. How, when and in what setting they are given lends to the power and lasting effects for which they arrive and stay. I do not know about you, but my mother encouraged us as children with the age o...
I don’t need to tell you that 2020 is an election year. As the field of contenders for president has narrowed down, as well as other offices of various kinds, we’ll see more and more airtime devoted to supporting a particular candidate. I believe it’s important for each of us to participate in the process of voting and the freedom we often take for granted. But I also believe in the importance of praying for our elected officials at every level of government. With that in mind I’d like to encourage you to consider a resource I’ve been usin...
In light of the ongoing battle against covid-19, Kern County received a surprise visit from the U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams. As the nation’s doctor, Vice Admiral Adams oversees the 6,000 member U.S Public Health Service Commissioned Corps and guides public health officials through general advisories and action reports on issues regarding advancing the health of the nation. During his visit, Dr. Adams encouraged our community to follow public health guidelines to maintain the positive gains made in Kern County. Wear a mask, wash y...
How many of you have somebody in your life that you can say you look up to? It may be a parent, an athlete, actor, teacher, world leader or anybody else in or around your life. Sometimes we try to pattern our lives after our heroes. Let me start by saying this. I’m not against anyone making a ton of money for doing something they love to do. If owners of pro sports teams are willing to pay tens of millions of dollars to athletes to play for their team, God bless them. I would take the money just...
One of the great things about being your county supervisor is the chance it gives me to hear your ideas and help implement them, when feasible. Three current examples of this come to mind, which I will share with you here. We can’t always implement these ideas, and I won’t promise you something I can’t deliver, but the door to my office is always open, and your ideas are always important to me, even if sometimes for one reason or the other, we can’t make them happen. One recent idea we were able to make happen, which has been written about i...
“If you faint in the day of adversity, Your strength is small.” Proverbs 24:10 Don’t you just cringe when you read some of Solomon’s pithy yet profound nuggets of truth in the Wisdom book of Proverbs? Yet, this is exactly why it is so important for believers to read a bit of Proverbs every day. … They are written for the purpose of giving one wisdom and instructions for the everyday ups and downs of life. In light of Solomon’s “prickly” truth for today, allow me to ask a question: What...
Covid-19, civil unrest, political unrest, earthquakes, fires, division, corruption, fear, hate, riots, wars, explosions, killer insects, unemployment, suicide, child trafficking – Welcome to the reality of 2020 in just eight months! Do we have a solution? Do we have an escape from this barrage of negativity and overwhelming bad news? Many people are losing their minds! Some to drugs, others to alcohol. Some to sexual immorality, others to fantasy. Some to work, others to corruption. Some people are just simply going crazy! I, too, have lost m...
As the month of September is getting closer, our thoughts often go to the “normal” events of the fall season, such as school, gathering around a table of food with family and friends at Thanksgiving, football games galore, and, hopefully, a good dose of an attitude of gratitude! This time we’re in right now has certainly changed our perspective on the time of year and the normal events we enjoy. Although it’s hard to duplicate special seasons and days like Thanksgiving, we can certainly try to be thankful all year long. According to the wor...
How many of you have ever heard somebody say, "I want to hear something deep in church. I need to get deep?" If you have never been to church and heard this statement that is OK. We are here for you. But for those of us who have heard this before, what are the people saying this really saying? I believe when people say they want something deep, what they are saying deep down is, "Please speak over my head and confuse me so I don't have to live my life any different. If I don't understand what...
Most everyone will agree that these are turbulent and uncertain times that we live in. 2nd Timothy 3:1 calls it perilous times, or hard, difficult, grievous, and fierce times. Many people are fearful and uncertain at this time. We wonder who we should listen to for guidance in this time of adversity. Jesus Christ gave us the answer when he said have faith in God. Hold on to God! Psalm 56:3 says what time I am afraid, I will trust in Thee. Biblical faith is when we place our trust in the Lord....
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13 Have you ever come against a struggle, a roadblock, or a seemingly insurmountable obstacle? Of course, you have if you have lived any length of time or tried anything considered off the beaten path. Sometimes those barriers are self-imposed; other times they are tossed in your path by a boss, a co-worker, a foe, or friend. It matters not how they get there; they hurt and challenge just the same. Sometimes it is good to...
This last Sunday we heard the parable of the mustard seed; “the smallest of all the seeds, yet when full-grown it is the largest of plants… and the birds of the sky come and dwell in its branches” (New American Bible Matt 13:31-32). Perhaps this parable may help us understand how the Word of God may grow in a world thirsty of hope. These are difficult times for everybody; lots of people losing their jobs, we are afraid of visiting family and friends due to COVID19, and above all and sadly, so many others losing their lives. This quara...
In the aftermath of the George Floyd killing, folks started saying things like “defund the police.” In the aftermath of the gang-related killing of 11-year-old Makaliah Osomo and 12-year-old Elayna Saidee of Delano July 2, I hope those conversations are put to bed. Improving the police force should always be on the table, certainly no police or sheriff’s department is perfect, but this recent media blitz on how cops are bad is a false narrative that is so much more harmful than helpful. Those poor girls deserved the protection, and they defin...
Fear: "An unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain or a threat" (The Oxford Dictionary) Faith: "Confidence or trust in a person or thing." (dictionary .com) Mind: "The element of a person that enables them to be aware of the world and their experiences, to think, and to feel" (The Oxford Dictionary). In the Bible, fear created a giant in the minds of armies able to destroy that giant, while faith empowered the mind of a single young...
Like many of you, I enjoy the outdoors, and one of my favorite things to do is hiking and backpacking. Our church has an annual backpacking trip each summer in the Kaiser Wilderness to an area called Twin Lakes. Along the way we see some beautiful country, but are also reminded how heavy a backpack can get! In many ways life can be the same way. There are times it feels like a “walk in the park” and other times like an “uphill climb” while loaded down. The Apostle Paul uses a similar illustration in Galatians 6:1-5 when he instructs the bel...
It is that time of year again. The weather is warming, trees and plants are needing to drink more water to keep that green hue, and there are the sounds of bombs bursting in air. No, you are not in downtown Baghdad. You are in Shafter coming close to the Fourth of July. Yes, the city seems to be under siege, and it’s not some terrorist organization, it is all friendly fire. This year seems to be a lot worse than any in recent memory. You can’t go one night without seeing a bunch of illegal firew...
Have you ever thought to yourself, “Why did God create me with stinky armpits?” Maybe it’s just me. But I have often wondered what purpose armpit odor has. Before i give you my answer, let me tell you a short story that may give us some insight. A college professor was teaching his class. The professor challenged his students with this question; “Did God create everything that exists?” One student bravely answered, “Yes, He did.” So the professor responded stating, “I guess since evil exis...
With the summer months starting to get into full swing and triple-digit temperatures heading to the Fourth District, our office is pleased to announce that cooling centers will be open again this summer. Please see the attached information below. Our office will notify you what days and locations these cooling centers will be open. For the health, safety and comfort of our residents, the Kern County Parks Division, in cooperation with the Department of Aging and Adult Services, other Kern County agencies and/or districts and PG&E, will open coo...
“Few men during their lifetime come anywhere near exhausting the resources dwelling within them. There are deep wells of strength that are never used.” --Admiral Richard E. Byrd Born in the later 19th century, Admiral Richard Byrd was one of those men given to adventure and the intrigue of the unknown. He was best known in my memory as the one who braved frigid temperatures for long periods of time as he explored the then-unexplored regions of the South Pole and Antarctica. However, he was als...
How true the Bible is when it said in the last days perilous times shall come.This is a time of uncertainty in many lives. People are battling stress and pressure as they try to support their families and businesses. The news is filled with fear and worry and sometimes misinformation. I heard one athlete say "I'm afraid to even wake upon the morning." Even though these are challenging times, there is hope. And that hope is to trust the Lord Jesus. He is the hope of glory, and He is the only one...
Recent events have demonstrated that we are still a divided nation. It does not have to be this way in Kern County. In my years of political experience, I have seen and talked to folks from all over the county. I have heard from them what matters, and I have listened. My findings will not surprise you, nor should my recommendations on what we should do. But sometimes, in the face of fear and hatred, we need to be reminded of who we are. In the end, as I have said here in this column, as I have said on the campaign trail, and as I have said to...
By the time you read this I’m hopeful that we will be on our way in the final stages of reopening our nation and world! Who would have ever thought the entire world would go through what we have been in recent months. I can’t help but wonder what lessons we’ve all learned through this, but here are a few that come to mind: --Planning ahead is a good thing but ultimately the Lord is in control (Proverbs 16:9). --Worry can sometimes be god-like in its power, but prayer reminds us of who is really God (Philippians 4:6-7). --Relationships at churc...
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” --Martin Luther King, Jr. Like most of you, I have been watching, reading, and praying for our riotous society over the last few days. First let me say that I am appalled, saddened and heartbroken by the events of the death of the man of color in Minneapolis, Minn. No number of tears, anxiety and yes, even rioting can turn back the clock or right that hideous wrong nor bring jus...
I have heard it said that the only constant in the world is change. I have never found that to be any truer than this year. I know I had big plans and high expectations when the calendar flipped to 2020. How about you? Has 2020 lived up to your expectations so far? Me either. I want to be clear. COVID-19 is serious. It is especially serious to those who find themselves in one of the high-risk categories; over the age of 65, preexisting medical conditions, etc. I know that this virus has...