Serving the community since 1922

A lesson on using social media

A workshop was held at the Shafter Learning Center that was geared for the small business owner wanting to maximize their visibility in the community. Gabriela Gonzales of Kern Citizens for Energy said that the workshop was for those owners who need assistance in growing their business on social media. "Everything is so technical now that you really need to use social media to attract new customers," Gonzales said.

A large crowd was at the SLC to take advantage of the free workshop. Phillip Jimenez, district manager for the Shafter Recreation and Park District, was there with a couple of his staff, as well as many other businesses that are trying to connect with more of the community.

"I have learned a lot in this workshop. I didn't realize how many tools there are out there that can help a business grow, especially the people who have grown up in this technological time," said Luis Madagen, who owns a small repair business. "This will really help me attract customers and let people know the different services we offer."

Gonzales said that the workshop covered how to set up a Facebook page, Twitter account and Instagram, and how to utilize them. "The businesses can benefit by not only using Facebook, but a lot of people like using Twitter and Instagram – getting that instantaneous feedback," said Gonzales.

In the workshop, the owners were instructed on how to create a home page that will maximize their viewership, including how to use photos, video and graphics to help sell their products or services. "This workshop will help the small business owner who is looking to build his business and will also give them the tools to better advertise their products and services, aiming at a variety of demographics that make up the social media landscape."


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