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Video message: Follow the rules

The City of Shafter put out a promotional video message Monday, urging the residents to abide by the state and local mandates to stay at home except to go out for essentials and observing social distancing recommendations.

“We cannot underestimate the destruction that this virus can cause and the need to do whatever we can to stop this disease in its tracks,” Mayor Gilbert Alvarado says in the video.

Councilmember Cathy Prout went on to say that the most important thing we can do as a city is to stay at home when all possible. “If we do need to go out for essentials, you need to keep at least six feet apart and wash your hands frequently. Also, use hand sanitizer on a regular basis.”

Each of the councilmembers made statements that reemphasize that the city still is working for the city, with Michael James and the Public Works Department on the job and the Shafter Police Department out in full force.

The 3-minute video can be seen on the city’s web site,, and its Facebook page. City Project Manager Brittney Neal-Soberanis was responsible for the video.

Evidence that the city has started taking heed of the recommendations came on Easter Sunday when the city’s parks, usually full of families celebrating the holiday, were empty. The parks throughout the city were closed to large gatherings, As the sun rose over the trees, the gazebo at Mannel Park, filled with worshipers and song in years past, was empty and still.

Those who have traveled in Shafter in the area of town by Apple Market and Richland Junior High have encountered a detour that is in place while the city is repaving Tulare Avenue, a job that is continuing during the pandemic. Beginning on April 12, Ryan Drive and Enns Road are closed at Tulare Avenue. Residences fronting Tulare Avenue have access to their homes via a one-way closure. Residents in the area north of Tulare should exit their neighborhood at Santa Maria Avenue. The closure on Tulare is from Reiker Avenue to 3/8 mile west of Reiker. There is no specific end date for the project, but the James said city workers are making the road repairs as quickly and efficiently as possible.


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