Serving the community since 1922

Pastor's Corner: Let's build a house

The establishment of a home varies from one family to the next. For example, a family rents a house and their home is filled with hate, family problems, financial stress, and absolutely no concern for healthy living. Another family later rents that very same house and their home is quite the opposite. This house is filled with a loving family, financial strength, and a well-balanced home concerned about good nutrition and physical wellness.

Most people desire a home like the second family. A safe home. A refuge. A peaceful and healthy home. Proverbs 9:1 says, “Wisdom hath built her house, she hath hewn out her seven pillars.” Our church has recently developed a bible study series that deals with the pillars we need to build a strong spiritual home. The following is an overview of what we feel are very important pillars necessary for each family.

First of all, a spiritual home needs the fear of the Lord. Proverbs says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. A solid house must have a good architect design the structure and building of the home.

Next, a house needs a strong foundation to withstand the elements of chaos in this world. A home built upon a rock will not fall, but a home built upon sand will crumble (Matthew 7:24-25). The next step is building the right framework and structure for your home. For example, when building a physical structure, an architect’s design will account for natural disasters such as earthquakes. In some cases, they may require the builder to insert sheer wall to protect the home. In the same manner, the master architect of the universe took into account potential threats to the building of our individual lives and families. Through the word of God, God has designed and given us the correct framework for building a strong spiritual home.


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