Serving the community since 1922

Headlines in History -- Oct. 22, 2020

10 Years Ago: Nov. 10, 2010

David Armendariz wrote his last sport story for the Shafter Press and Wasco Tribune. He started writing for the local papers in the early 1980s. His last story written before retiring was the 84th Wasco Tigers/Shafter Generals football game.

20 Years Ago: Nov. 22, 2000

Shafter resident Dean Sutton was selected to speak at a two-day California Automotive Teachers Conference Workshop in Lancaster. Sutton was a mechanic at the Shafter Automotive Service Shop.

30 Years Ago: Nov. 14, 1990

The Wasco Tiger Football Queen candidates were Carrie Parks, Shelbie Earl, Rothesia Harrison and Lupita Soto.

Compiled by Erica Soriano


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