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Richers: 15 teachers may get laid off

In a meeting before the district’s board meeting, Wasco Union Elementary School District Superintendent Kelly Richers said that the district doesn’t know what type of funding will be available for the 2021 school year.

“If the state goes with the previous budget cut of $54 billion, the district was told in May that it could lose as many as 30 teachers,” Richers said. “On the other hand, the state was able to find $28 billion in new funding so the state will only be $26 billion in default. Which means the district could lose 15 teachers.”

Richers said that information changes daily.

“Cal State Bakersfield and Bakersfield College have already decided their students will continue distance learning for the rest of the school year,” Richers added.

He also said that the number of teachers that need to be laid off will depend on how many take retirement.

“We hope they tell us by Dec. 27 so we can plan for it,” he said. “They aren’t legally required to tell us until June 30.”

Kelly said that the district hopes that there are enough retirees so the district can save teachers.

In addition, Richers said that Anna Poggi is the new board president. Danny Rueda was named clerk, Richard Reding made trustee representative and Cheryl Wegman is trustee representative alternate. Richers also announced Niza Perez, formerly a district psychologist, has been named director of student services.


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