Serving the community since 1922

Colours Festival moving forward for Feb. '23 reboot

The Shafter Colours Festival planning committee met again last Thursday, with plans for the festival moving forward and getting a little more specific. The committee designated members in the different departments of the committee, using different residents’ experience and strengths.

After the dissolution of the festival a few years ago, a large number of residents were voicing their aim of revitalizing the event.

The new festival will highlight the talents of residents and organizations.

Some of the different divisions of the festival are the Promotions Department, being headed up by Randy Toews. Toews did a promoted the festival during its previous version. In the Arts/Photography Department, Cris and Dana Starrh will involved, as well as Radon and Judy Fortenberry, and also Barbara Gladden and photographer Colleen Dilltz. Fortenberry operated the Art Gallery for the festival for years.

Shafter Recreation and Parks District Manager Philip Jimenez, along with Missy Espericueta, will head up the Sports efforts. Handling the Finance Department will be Scott Hurlbert and Cathy Prout. Pastor Pat Coyle, of the Shafter Mennonite Brethren Church ,will be in charge of the Community Worship events.

Very popular in the past, the Wine Tasting event will be headed up by former Shafter Mayor Garry Nelson. Some of the events that have been mentioned for the festival are festival favorites color run, art gallery, coffeehouse music, a play performed at the theater and a spaghetti dinner that usually kicks off the event.

New suggestions being discussed are a community worship service, a cornhole tournament, car show and a boxing exhibition.

The event is expected to be in February like before, but the date is expected to be firmed up during the next meeting of the committee Thursday, July 20.


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