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Vacation Bible School shining the light

The Shafter Mennonite Brethren Church is holding its annual Vacation Bible School this week, with the theme "Stellar- Shine Jesus's Light."

There were over 70 kids on hand to participate in a week of fun and learning, as the children learned how to shine Jesus's light to the world.

Pastor Pat Coyle, assisted by Music Director David Bloemhof and Song Leader Stephanie Bloemhof, helped children learn several songs, as well as choreography to go with them.

The children learned in their Bible study that Jesus teaches His people to shine his light, even when things are looking dark, or everything is bright. According to the video that the students watched, "No matter the situation, shining His light will do great things."

The morning was filled with songs, Bible study, arts and crafts, games and a snack time, with "out of this world" goodies.

During the games portion, kids wove through a galactic obstacle course of cones, making their way back home, tagging their teammate who continued the journey.

After a day of learning and fun, the entire group would return to the sanctuary and sing more songs and tell what they had learned that day, including the daily Bible verse tied to the theme for the day. On Tuesday, they were told of the way some planets have rings. "You would think that the rings are one solid ring. But, the rings are actually made up of millions of rocks, ice, and debris that work together and orbit the planet. That is the way God's children need to work together to make one big unit and family."

At the end of the week, a special session is scheduled, giving the parents and friends a chance to see what the children have learned in their time in the Stellar Universe.


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