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Meet the Rose Queen hopefuls

The first six of the candidates for Miss Wasco Rose Queen are profiled here. The other girls will be in next week's paper.

Meet the first six contestants vying for the 2025 Miss Wasco Rose Queen title. Each young woman brings her own unique blend of charm, talent and dedication to the competition. Discover more about these standout candidates and their journey toward becoming the next Rose Queen.

Jacqueline Reyes is sponsored by Westside Family Fellowship. Her parents, Pedro and Janette Reyes, and her escort, Israel Paniagua, have been by her side throughout this experience. Jacqueline dreams of attending UC Berkeley or UC Davis to pursue a career as a pediatric nurse, where she hopes to make a difference in the lives of children and their families.

Reflecting on her time, Jacqueline shared, "The most rewarding part of the Rose Queen experience so far has been hanging out with all the girls and being able to create these funny and memorable experiences." This camaraderie with her fellow contestants has been a highlight for her.

Her family and friends have deeply supported her and played an integral role in her preparation. She expressed her gratitude, saying, "Throughout this whole experience and this journey, my family and friends have been my biggest supporters. My mom and many other family members have spent some time helping me prepare for the pageant. Without my family and friends to support me in participating in this pageant, this would not have been possible." Their encouragement has been a source of strength for her.

As the event nears, she said, "The thing that I will cherish the most about this entire experience would be just the time I spent with the girls and how we were able to create stronger bonds." The friendships and connections she has made are something she'll carry with her long after the pageant is over.

Inez Uresti reflects on her journey with gratitude. She considers herself fortunate to have the Wasco Women's Club as her sponsor, appreciating its longstanding presence in the community and its openness. "They are an organization that was established in Wasco, and they are inclusive to women of all ages," she said.

Inez, daughter of Mario Uresti and Victoria Gurule, with Jesse Carvajal as her escort, is passionate about her future aspirations. "My goal is to become an elementary school teacher and to grow not only for myself but also for others," she shared. Her decision to participate in the pageant was fueled by a memorable experience in 2018 when she watched the competition. "Seeing those girls compete for the title was so inspiring. The hard work they put into it made me mesmerized. It made me want to be part of something so impactful."

Through her involvement in the pageant, Inez has seen personal growth, particularly in her confidence and self-acceptance. "I've learned to be comfortable in my own skin and love who I am," she explained. This path has also allowed her to form meaningful connections with her fellow contestants. "I'm proud to say that I've built amazing bonds with these girls. Being able to comfort and support them during this experience has been truly rewarding. It's about more than just the title; it's about the friendships and personal development we share."

Inez's experience in the pageant has been about personal achievement, fostering lasting relationships and growing as an individual.

Ariadne Orozco is honored to be sponsored by the Wasco Knights of Columbus. Her supportive parents are Rosita and Jesus Orozco, and her escort is Elijah Rodriguez.

She aspires to attend a university to earn a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering. She describes the preparation process as both challenging and rewarding, mainly due to her ongoing recovery from recent surgery. "The most challenging part of the preparation process is that I'm still technically recovering from my ACL reconstruction surgery. It's been a process going to practice and feeling as though I wasn't doing my best. But I kept reminding myself I was lucky to be able to take on this opportunity. And that I've progressed so far from the injury." Despite these obstacles, Ariadne has remained focused and optimistic, greatly contributing to her growth.

Through this experience, Ariadne has gained significant personal development. "I've grown a lot through this process and feel more confident in myself and my abilities. The practices have been instrumental in aiding my recovery." The pageant has also allowed her to build meaningful relationships with fellow contestants.

"One thing I'll cherish most about this entire experience is the bonds I've made with the girls. I feel like we've grown really close to one another. The different experiences we shared, such as the Disney trip and fun-filled practices, have been unforgettable. I will miss all of this dearly." For Ariadne, the pageant has been an enriching process filled with friendships and lasting memories.

Ava Melendrez is sponsored by Supreme Almonds of Shafter. Her parents are Crissenda and Xavier Melendrez. Ava aspires to major in psychology and dreams of creating a fulfilling family life. Her escort is Anthony Perez, also known as "Tacos."

Reflecting on her bond with fellow contestants, Ava shares, "The Rose Queen pageant has been a thrilling ride with its highs and lows. It's a ride I'd choose again and again, especially with these amazing girls by my side. My experience would not be the same without the incredible connections I've made with the other 12 contestants." She emphasizes that the camaraderie and support among the contestants have made the pageant experience even more memorable and rewarding.

Ava credits the pageant for her tremendous learning: "The pageant has taught me that perseverance is key no matter what challenges arise. Balancing numerous priorities and overcoming obstacles has shown me that I am stronger than I have ever imagined. Each day has tested my resilience and determination, pushing me to become a better version of myself. I've learned to embrace every moment and challenge with a positive outlook."

Support from friends and family has been crucial for Ava. She expresses deep gratitude to Elias, her "forever person," for his unwavering encouragement: "He's been my rock, reminding me of the purpose behind all of this. And I am incredibly thankful to my parents for their financial support. Without them, this journey would not be possible. Thank you, Mom and Dad, for believing in me and standing by my side through every step of this incredible adventure."

Daisy Asensio is sponsored by the Wasco Rotary Club. With her supportive parents, Victor Asensio and Patty Delgado, and escort Luke Ortiz by her side, Daisy has embraced this opportunity with enthusiasm and dedication. She eagerly anticipates the big day when she can shine on stage. "Preparing for this competition has been an incredibly special and memorable experience," she says. "I've built strong connections with the other contestants, which was one of my main goals. As we approach pageant day, it's a bittersweet feeling. We're all eagerly anticipating the event, but it's also hard to think about it coming to an end."

Daisy has experienced significant self-improvement throughout the program. "I've gained so much insight and learned about myself and others," she reflects. "I'm truly excited to see how everything will come together on the big day – the decorations, the people and the overall presentation. It's thrilling to think about showcasing our hard work and the skills we've developed to the Wasco community. This entire experience has been a journey of growth and learning."

The prospect of winning Miss Wasco Rose Queen brings mixed emotions, but Daisy remains positive and focused. "The idea of winning excites me but also brings some nervousness. I remind myself to stay positive and not let any negativity overshadow this incredible experience. Winning the title could be a wonderful addition to my life, but I'm primarily focused on enjoying every moment and making the most of this unique opportunity."

Leah Nunez is sponsored by Jeff and Stephanie Wymer. Her parents are Genaro Nunez and Kathy Gonzales, and Noah (Hammie) Lopez is her escort.

Her approach to life is all about embracing every moment. "My aspirations in life are to live my life to the fullest. I've always just wanted to have fun and go with the flow. That's a good thing to have, especially with crazy schedules. It's always better to not be stuck to specific things and get out into the world more," she explains.

Leah's support system, consisting of family and friends, has been crucial. "My friends and family have been the best support during these times. They have been patient, understanding and helpful. They know when I'm tired to do stuff and give me the time to reset. I wouldn't want another support system than them,"

She is looking forward to the pageant's final moments. "I am most excited about getting all dressed up and having the last final moment with all of the girls. We have all been together this entire summer and knowing that it will be our last night is sad but an accomplishment for us all for all our hard work."

When faced with challenges, Leah finds comfort in taking breaks and recharging. "When it starts to get tough for me, I remind myself that everything is okay. I'll take a break, hang out with friends, and give myself time to readjust and clear my mind."


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